The inheritance tax your heirs will pay can be very different depending on where in Spain you  purchase.

We are not recommending you decide where to purchase based exclusively on where you pay less inheritnace tax but if you are going to make a substantial investment (300000 euro or more) it should definitely be taken into consideration.

Which area of Spain is better for you from an Inheritance tax point of view depends on which  Autonomous region of Spain offers the exemption most in line with your particular family situation.

Some offer larges benefits to wives , some to children under 21 , some to family businesses, some have all or nothing exemptions which are very beneficial to smaller estates but very bad for large estates.

If you have already purchased, your solicitor can plan within the limit of what the regional tax code offers, but he will be of more help if you consult before you purchase.

On high net estates you would not believe what a difference the decision of where to purchase could make to your beneficiaries tax bill.

Why not consult about your inheritance tax situation before you purchase.

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