What is included , price and procedure of our will writing service: 

The cost of  a Spanish will in our Marbella office:

Normally our fee for each  will , including notary fee and registration  is  300 euro. (in Spain one will per person is required)

If the value of the estate is over 1.000.000 euro or the circumstances are specially complex:

In this case we would ask you to send us some information and we will provide you with a budget. We will provide a budget in writing but in general you will be looking at anywhere between 300 and 500 for each will inclusive of notary fee and registration. Exceptionally it could be more but in all cases we provide a budget for before starting the work.

The procedure if  you use us to make new wills or revise you’re existing ones.

  • Simply call  or e-mail us at our Marbella office  951350313 or info@daviessolicitors.com and  we will organise the appointment with Michael Davies.
  • If we need to write a new will we would have it ready for signing one week later. If you have an existing will and we consider it is in good order and/or cannot be improved  we would charge you 100 euro for the appointment.
  • For simple wills we offer a same day service with no extra cost. We would send you a request for information, deal by e-mail and  over the phone as needed and then organise the appointment directly for signing  the wills in front of the notary with you walking away the same day with your wills.

We will sit down and discuss:

  • Who you wish to protect.
  • How you wish to distribute your estate.
  • The most tax efficient ways of achieving your wishes.
  • Resident/non resident status in Spain and how it affects inheritance tax.

You will receive your new will:

  • In dual column English/Spanish in compliance with directive 650/2012 (which comes into force on the 17th of August 2015)
  • Dully registered at the central register of wills in Madrid.
  • The security of a will written by  Michael Davies, a Spanish solicitor with over  20 years experience handling wills and probate for ex-pats in Spain.

We are experts. Over the last 20 years we have wound up over 200 estates for English nationals in Spain and have prepared over 2000 wills.

For an appointment please e-mail me today: michaeldavies@daviessolicitors.com or call the Marbella office 951350313





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