This post has been updated as the tax reduction has now taken place.Click to visit the latest update on Inheritance tax reductions in Andalucía.
This post has been updated as the tax reduction has now taken place.Click to visit the latest update on Inheritance tax reductions in Andalucía.
Brexit and Inheritance tax: Non residents will pay more inheritance tax after Brexit.
Inheritance tax in Andalucia: Exemptions have been increased for group I and II heirs (spouse and descendants) Last year the Andalucia Parliament informed they would reduce inheritance tax by increasing exemption in Andalucia. They informed that they would only do this if the budget for 2017 permitted this to happen. Well the good news is
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The European Court of Justice has told Spain that it can not charge non residents of Spain more Inheritance tax than residents (as long as they are from the European Union).
Do not underestimate the importance of signing one. It is extremely important that if you have a property in Spain you have a Spanish will. If you already have one, make sure it complies with new European Directive 650/2012 which came into force on the 17th of August of 2015. For more information about the
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Question My father deceased in Benalmadena in December of last year. He had left me completely out of his Spanish will and left everything to his second wife. She has emailed me to ask me to issue a power of attorney so that her solicitor can wind up the estate. Why would she need this
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The inheritance tax your heirs will pay can be very different depending on where in Spain you purchase. We are not recommending you decide where to purchase based exclusively on where you pay less inheritnace tax but if you are going to make a substantial investment (300000 euro or more) it should definitely be taken into
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Has your parent left his/her Spanish estate to his second wife /husband and left you out of his Spanish estate? You may be able to make a claim for 2/3rds of the estate. Directive 650/2012 has changed the situations in which children can be successful in claiming 2/3rds of their parents estate in Spain .
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