If you become a Spanish national and have children you will not be able to leave your estate to your wife if you become a Spanish national

A lot of British ex-pats that are worried about Brexit have contemplated the posibilite of becoming a Spanish national

One thing that you need to take into account is it´s  effect on how you will be allowed to distribute your estate.

Spanish people cannot leave their estate to their spouse if they have children. In this case they can only leave 1/3 to their spouse.

If you are English this is not a problem as you are entitled to make a Spanish will stating that you wish your national law to rule how you are allowed to distribute your estate.

Spain does not recognise double nationality with Great Britain. This means that even if you somehow manage to keep your British passport to the Spanish system to all effects you will be Spanish.

The moment you become Spanish 2/3rd of your estate will go to your children. This could cause a lot of trouble for your spouse.

The consequences can be horrific if you have children from other marriages.

I am not saying to not become Spanish I am just saying look into all consequences and side effects very carefully before you do.


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