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Brexit and Inheritance tax: Non residents will pay more inheritance tax after Brexit.
DO NOT GO CRAZY .NOT EVERYONE CAN SUE THE BANKS TO GET THEIR STAGE PAYMENTS BACK. If you have paid money to a builder, he has not delivered, you have won a court case against him and now find you have a fantastic sentence but he has no money to pay you back. If all
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Selling expenses: Plusvalía tax: Recent sentence by the Spanish Constitutional court (sentence of 16th of February of 2017).This sentence only refers to the Basque Country, but the writing is on the wall. We are expecting a sentence soon from the same Courts referring to the rest of Spain. You may not have to pay this tax when you
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When you finish paying your Spanish mortgage do not forget that you need to ask the bank to sign the cancelation deed and present it to the property register. Do not wait until you need to sell the property
If you are an ex-pat in Spain these are the 11 most important things to consider in relation to Estate planning and wills .